Roy Alvin Harrisville: A Tribute
David L. Tiede
Creator, Creature, and Co-Creation in Genesis 1-2
Terence Fretheim
Temptations and Trials in Deut 6-11, Luke 4, and Luke 22-24
Dennis T. Olson
“Show ’em Who’s Boss!” A Sermon on 1 Kings 18:20-40 and 1 Corinthians 1:18-25
Mark A. Throntveit
Job and His Ministers
Daniel J. Simundson
Who Cares for the Earth? Psalm Eight and the Environment
James Limburg
“Remember the Former Things of Old”: A New Look at Isaiah 46:3-13
Frederick J. Gaiser
A Theological Reading of Zephaniah’s Audience
Richard W. Nysse
What’s New in Old Testament Apocalyptic
Wendell W. Frerichs
The Sadduccees as Josephus Presents Them
William Poehlmann
The Stilling of the Storm (Matthew 8:23-27)
Jack D. Kingsbury
Things New and Old at Matthew 13:52
Arland J. Hultgren
The Baptism of Jesus (Mark 1:9-11)
Donald H. Juel
Peter, Cephas, and Peter
Paul S. Berge
Graceful Imitation: “Imitators of Us and the Lord” (1 Thess 1:6)
James L. Boyce
Luther’s Heidelberg Disputation
James Arne Nestingen
Law and Life: A New Invitation to an Old Problem
James H. Burtness
Historical Criticism, Dogmatics, and Faith
Carl E. Braaten
The Newness of the Old Testament
Gerhard O. Forde
Simplistic Thoughts about the Authority of Scripture
Robert W. Jenson